DRTV advertising for mail order companies and retailers...
Commercial production...
Media planning and buying...
Continuity marketing...
UK and pan-European business development...

A specialist but growing area, continuity marketing, or developing a repeat purchase relationship, ensures that customers engage in a continuous purchasing relationship with products and services that match their needs. The marketing message is simple and, provided you give customers flexibility to manage their orders, the service is convenient and desirable. This form of marketing, when well executed, will increase your sales and margin and build profitable long-term relationships with your customers.

Like so many good ideas, this one is easy to explain. To turn it into a profitable business stream, you must have the right systems, marketing strategy and customer service set-up. Buzz can show you simple strategies to help you make additional profitable sales from your customers. Buzz has a unique amount of experience in this growth area and can ensure you increase customer loyalty and maximise profitable sales.